WATER Consulting, Ltd. is a small private company offering specialised
hydrogeological services, groundwater and surface water studies,
planning, management and development of water resources, numerical
modelling and water related monitoring and environmental research and
impact assessment (SEA, EIA). As supplementary activities the company
also performs lecturing, publishing, and the development of specialised
software, databases and GIS. The company was established in 1993
as a transformation of a special team of experts who had originally been
set up at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Since its establishment, GROUND
WATER has conducted numerous site investigations and service activities:
coordination and evaluation of comprehensive environmental
monitoring concerning the territory affected by the various human
activities, interpretation of surface water and ground water
quantity and quality monitoring, monitoring of soil moisture,
monitoring of environmental impacts, including forest and biota.
Development and maintenance of database and GIS system (Project
PHARE EC/WAT/1, Danubian Lowland-Ground Water Model (1992-1995,
project management), Joint Slovak-Hungarian monitoring (annual
evaluation since 1995)).
three-dimensional and two-dimensional modelling of ground water flow
and quality processes, including modelling in vertical cross-section
and pumping test modelling (Slovakia, Malaysia, Yemen, Denmark, and
Germany). Proposal and evaluation of water management scenarios,
proposal of methods and operational measures, determination of
hygienic protection zones, study of geochemical processes during
bank filtration, including processes of colmatation, assessment of
environmental risks. Surface water flow modelling, proposal of
hydraulic guiding structures.
and realization of hydrogeological investigation, design of pumping
and monitoring wells, drilling, sampling and field measurements
(Slovakia, Malaysia, Yemen).
engineering-geological and hydrogeological interpretation,
derivation of aquifer hydraulic parameters, evaluation of geological
realization and interpretation of pumping tests, pumping test
modelling in complicated alluvial geological conditions (Slovakia,
Yemen, Denmark, Germany and Malaysia).
of methods of ground water survey, ground water hydraulics and
modelling (Publications: “Ground water – methods of
research and survey”, “Ground water hydraulics”).
water and ground water survey in arid zone, estimation of recharge,
exploitation and overexploitation of ground water resources (Yemen,
Mexico, publication: “Hydrogeology of arid regions”).
governmental orders form the important part of GROUND WATER's projects.
The company provides professional consulting services for the
Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic for the construction and
operation of the Gabèíkovo-Nagymaros hydropower scheme, for the
Slovak Ministry of Environment, for the Slovak Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and other investment and construction organisations. Company
experts have delivered specialised expert services and studies for the
needs of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in the case
concerning the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project. At present they provide
expert services in the negotiations with the Hungarian side concerning
the implementation of the judgement of the International Court of
Justice. The company is co-ordinating and evaluating the comprehensive
environmental monitoring that is part of the Agreement between the
Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Hungary, signed
in 1995.